Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finished commission: Lord and Lady Volker (Inquisitor Hector Rex and his retinue, Survivor)

Finished the latest commission.  Lord and Lady Volker! Based on the Lord Inquisitor Hector Rex, his Retinue, and a Survivor from Kingdom Death.  This was a labor of love, as the client had a very specific idea for the project.  He's very happy, and I had a lot of fun doing it.  I added the 'scenic base' at the end so he would have a little display.  It's a group that's very important to him, and I wanted them to stand out.  Bases from Dragon Forge Design, of course.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Workbench update!! In-progress pile is a little much....

A quick WIP of the desk today. While finishing two more Space Wolf Dreadnaughts I got inspired to try to get as much of the basecoating done for the rest of the Space Wolf commission as well as a fun little project for a friend of mine.

Almost finished: 
- Space Wolf Ironclad Dreadnaught and Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnaught. 
- Ujahu, from Enigma Miniatures, for my Daemonic Menagerie 

- 5 Skitarii Ruststalkers and 5 Skitarii Infiltrators (my army, Skitarii Ludi)
- Diabolist for my 30k Word Bearers Legion
- 5 Axes of Carn Maen from Mierce Miniatures, also for my Daemonic Menagerie
- White Scar Land Speeder Storm (gift for a friend)
- 4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
- 6 Space Wolf Bikes
- Space Wolf Attack Bike

The good news is I'm excited about each one of these projects!! Hopefully I'll finish up the airbrushing tomorrow and make some good progress.

I'm waiting for a Word Bearers transfer sheet from Forgeworld so when that arrives I'll finish the Dibolist and Ujahu. I also have a few more creepy minis on the way to join the Menagerie. 

After finally getting some paint on my Skitarii, I'm eager to get going with painting the rest!!! I'm going to try to keep it simple, as I don't want to get bogged down on my own gaming army, but the models are awesome and I love how my color scheme is coming along so far! 

Also in the wings, but not pictured, is a small 5 miniature project that I'm really excited to start. I'll have to squeeze it in between everything else, but it'll be worth it as it's an amazing project for a great client.

Just have to keep painting!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

S'erum from Rackham Confrontation

What a fantastic miniature to work with! This project started from the bottom up, literally.  I bought Painting Buddha's 'Basing Alchemy - Earth' DVD because I wanted to start doing more of these kind of projects in between commissions.  I haven't done scenic bases before, so it was a huge learning experience.  There are, of course, many things I can improve on for the next base; but as it is I'm very happy with it.  After I built and painted the base, I needed a miniature for it! Digging through my boxes of shame I came upon S'erum from Rackham's Confrontation line of miniatures.  I'm proud to say that I have many of their miniatures waiting for my brush, some of which are already prepped and ready to go!

I really wanted to experiment with new techniques and materials.  I keep trying to push my understanding of color theory and contrast, but each time I feel like I come up short.  I look at it and think it needs more contrast, more definition, etc. etc.  Such is our pursuit.  I also have to point out that I painted S'erum over maybe 10-20 hours.  I don't have the will or the patience to spend hundreds of hours on a single mini; so I'm very happy with the results for the time I spent painting.

One of the new materials I used is an artists' acrylic from Golden.  I used Titanium White for Ben Komet's "Loaded Brush Blending" technique.  It's life changing.  Really.  I tried using Vallejo/GW/Scale75 white for the technique but it never worked.  They're all too thin! The travel up the belly of the brush! The artists' acrylic is very very thick, and thus sits on the tip of the brush and acts as a barrier for the rest of the paint!!! I nearly fell out of my chair.  I won't use it when just painting armies and such, of course, as it's incredibly delicate and time consuming, but I can't wait to practice more on future one-off projects such as S'erum.

Also, the new Scale75 Metal 'N Alchemy - Copper series of paints is beyond amazing.  I wish I had done more with the howdah, but that's life.  The gun, however, turned out better than I could have imagined.  It looks exactly like the polished copper you find with cookware and jewelry.  I have another fun project on deck that will make great use of the copper, so that's exciting!

These one off projects really help to cleanse the palette (forgive the pun) after doing a bunch of commission work.  When I have a longer break I'll start painting my own armies: Skitarii/AdMech/Knights for 40k (about 4,000 points worth), and soon a return to 30k with Word Bearers accompanied by a Daemonic Menagerie (which will be insanely fun to collect and paint).

On to the photos!

Space Wolf Armor rolls off the assembly line!

At last, some photos of finished work! Woo!!! Just finished up 3 tanks for my client/friend and managed to get photos this time.  Grateful that I enjoy painting Space Wolves as much as I do and grateful that I'm getting so much practice with my airbrush!  It's a good thing I like painting the Sons of Russ as much as I do, because he keeps buying stuff! A pitfall of the hobby, to be sure.  This batch was 3 tanks - a Rhino/Razorback, a Predator and a Land Raider Crusader; all magnetized/module for maximum flexibility.  I think they turned out really really well and I'm looking forward to finishing the next batch of Wolves.  On the table right now are 10 Skyclaws that just need basing.  After that it's a couple dreadnaughts, some bikes and (of course) some Thunderwolf Cav.

As always, more photos after the jump!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Ok so it's been a while.....

Two months! Yikes.  I have been delinquent.  I apologize.  I got mired in a Bushido commission that took much longer than I had anticipated.  Also some drop pods done to a basic standard, which didn't really warrant a photograph!  I have been busy, however.

I assembled and primed my entire Dark Age collection (90+ models) and sculpted their bases.  I haven't done much work with sculpting bases in the past, so it was a fantastic learning experience.  Looking forward to getting some paint on them soon.

I also cleaned up and prepped all the resin bases I'll be using for my 40k AdMech/Skitarii.  Phenomenal bases from Jeff at Dragon Forge Designs, as always.  Can't wait to get going on that project as well! Maybe after some of the Space Wolves I'm working on are done.

I also did a couple one-off projects that have a special purpose (more on that in a later post).  I did a custom scenic base on a plinth following the Painting Buddha DVD and learned a lot for next time.  Matt Cexwish said it looked cool, so that's all I really need.  Then I painted up S'erum from Rackham's Confrontation line, which was a ton of fun.  I got to play around with Scale75's new Metal N' Alchemy - Copper set and almost fell out of my chair from the results I got in a short time.  Just incredible.  Plenty of pictures to follow.  I also made a couple mini dioramas using Dropzone Commander models on Secret Weapon Miniatures flying bases, which turned out really well.  I will take plenty of pictures of these ASAP, as they were a lot of fun and turned out really well.

Other than that, I'm working on some more Space Wolves at the moment, including a Land Raider Crusader, a Predator, a Rhino, bikes, an attack bike, an Ironclad Dreadnaught, Thunderwolf Lord, and some jump troops.  Glad to be back at it with the Wolves.  Will get some pictures up soon!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Competition Entry - Dark Age Oathpourer

Just finished my entry for the first annual 'Eavier Metal 'Eadbangerz Painting Competition on Facebook.  I was feeling a little stagnant recently, and this competition provided a great opportunity to paint a model from a new range and to try out some new paints and some new techniques.  The model I chose was an Oathpourer from Dark Age.  Just a phenomenal sculpt.  Base is from Dragon Forge Designs (of course), and for the miniature itself I used only Scale75 paints.  Some new techniques such as stippled leather and loaded brush blending were used, which was a really fun challenge.  I'm really happy with how the model turned out (though of course there are a few dozen things I wish I did better; such is our endeavor).  It was a nice change of pace and and really breathed some life into my hobby for the past couple weeks.  Still working on the Bushido commission and a TON of Space Wolves! More pictures after the jump

Monday, July 13, 2015

Skitarii Ludi are on the march!!! Skitarii Army Musings and some Bushido WIP

So I took a bit of a break from painting to assemble an 1850 point Skitarii army. I am so excited about this project and this army in particular. Musings and army list after the jump!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Adventures in packaging a Reaver Titan for cross-country shipping!!

I finished the repair job on the Reaver Titan. Parts were challenging, but it was cool to see the beast come together again. The client's #1 concern was to have the model arrive safely and securely. I pinned everything I could with 1/16" solid rods and JB Weld, so the resin around the joint will break before the bond does.

Friday, June 26, 2015

On the workbench, and on deck! Reaver Titan and some Bushido!

On the workbench right now is a repair project: A Reaver Titan! The client had previously commissioned the painting of the Titan to another studio, but when it was shipped back to him it shattered.  Very upsetting, I'm sure.  It has languished in pieces for too long and has been sent to me for repair.  As it is the first time I am handling a Reaver Titan, it's a terribly exciting project.  Makes me want one of my own even more now!  1/16" rods and JB Weld should do the trick!

After the Reaver Titan is a large group of minis from Bushido.  The Silvermoon Syndicate.  This is going to be a fascinating and very challenging project, as there are many different styles and textures within the group, and lots of tattoos! It's a wonderful break from power armor and tanks, and will be a joy to do.

Imperial Knight Quartet Finished. What a blast!

Recently finished a very fun project: 4 Imperial Knights! All four were built using the new Imperial Knight Warden kit, though only two of the four are magnetized. The Knight Crusader and Knight Warden (rusty wasteland bases) are static, as they are for my personal army. The Knight on the snow base and the knight on the grey sandy base are for clients and are fully magnetized. I knew I would enjoy painting these beasts, though I had no idea just how much I would love this project. It is truly one of those moments where the experience outstripped expectations. Hope you like the end result!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Workbench Update - 6/11/15 - Imperial Knights!

     I am absolutely loving this project.  The 4 Imperial Knights are humming along nicely.  Worked out the heraldry, but am waiting eagerly for my large AdMech transfer sheets from GW.  I like that they are doing big sheets like FW does, and see some great little touches that will really make the Knights stand out individually.  I'm not sold on the banners, and may leave one or two of them off, depending on the final product.
     I've used some new products and techniques with this project, and couldn't be happier with how they turned out, which is always nice.  Tamiya metallics were used for all the silver/iron/steel, shaded with Tamiya Smoke and Badger Minitaire Midnight Blue candy.  Scale75 metallics have been a revelation.  Their Scale Color Metal N' Alchemy Series is amazing.  By far the best metallic paints I have ever used.  It's a shame that they take 4-6 weeks to arrive from Spain and with the VAT they're quite pricey, but they're worth every penny.  Just incredible coverage and vibrancy.  Can't rave about them enough.
     Working on the trim and metallics now, then the oil wash.  I'm particularly looking forward to the oil wash, as it will really pull the whole thing together.  I'm not going to weather the Knights much beyond just some pigments on the feet, as I want them to look crisp and clean and ready for battle. I was worried that I would get bogged down in the details and that the whole project would take forever, but I am inspired, and moving along at a good pace! I love these Knights.  Really looking forward to getting my hands on a Forgeworld Knight or two!  After this project I have a real change of pace project: a Bushido warband!  Really cool models and a project I'm very much looking forward to.  Without further ado, some WIP pictures!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Workbench Update! 6/4/15

I've decided to stop calling it Workbench Wednesday unless I actually post on a Wednesday. After finishing the Squats I have a somewhat daunting (but awesome) task ahead of me: 4 Knight Wardens!!! 2 will be in static poses (mine) and 2 are magnetized (clients'). Regardless, there are roughly 127 pieces ready for paint. The priming, basecoating, metallics and armor will all be done by airbrush, of course. Nevertheless, there will be plenty left over for the humble brush! 


What a trip down memory lane.  I thoroughly enjoyed painting this little warband of Squats.  The client put together this group to use in a house-ruled Necromunda style game and thus wanted a post-apocalyptic feel to them.  I wanted to keep the palette to mainly earth tones but also wanted to make sure they weren't totally washed out like a lot of post-apoc stuff.  The Bounty Hunter is from Necromunda, which to this day remains one of my favorite games to play (along with Gorkamorka! and Epic).  Painting miniatures like these really take me back to my childhood and to the origins of my hobby, which is a wonderful experience.  Hopefully someone has some Necromunda gangs lying around that they want painted!? (must..not...check..eBay...must resist!).  I really like how they turned out, and that they look like a cohesive gang while maintaining a certain individuality.

More pictures after the jump!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Captain Karlean Commission Completed

Finished up the last piece of the Blood Angels commission: Captain Karlean.  I really like this mini, though in hindsight I wish I had done some freehand or something on the back of the cloak.  Oh well, next time! I am particularly pleased with how the purple gems and the Bieber hair turned out.  Again, no basing at the behest of the client.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Workbench Wednesday - 5/27/15

After a nice holiday weekend with my family, I gained some momentum with the Squat warband today. Finished up the 9 I was working on and painted the exo armor Squat as well. Only the Bounty Hunter and their bases to go! 

Over the weekend I also assembled a Dreamforge Leviathan Mortis, which was a fun departure from GW minis for a bit. A lot of parts had to be left off for painting, and a LOT of converting will have to be done, but I hope to soon have a suitable Knight Gallant as the opening salvo of my Dark Mechanicum army for 30k. For 40k, plans are in the works for an Adeptus Mechanicus army comprising of both Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus. This project will take some time, but I'm keen to have a playable 40k army again. My commission que is growing (which is awesome), but I have to remember to take some time for my own hobby so as not to deny myself completely! 

Next up in the que are a host of Knight Wardens. 2 for clients and 2 for me. I'll be painting them two at a time, as their paint schemes are nearly identical. House Ludi is rising!  I'm working on some fluff that incorporates my Solar Auxilia, Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, Knights, Titans, and the new Imperial Militia from Book 5: Tempest. When it's fleshed out a bit more I'll be sure to share it. 

To oppose the loyalists, I'm planning a force of Word Bearers and Dark Mechanicum, accompanied by Daemons, Warp Cults from Book 5: Tempest, heavily daemonically converted Nurgle Chaos Space Marines, Knights, and Titans. Haven't worked out the fluff quite yet, but after reading Book 5 I'm sure I'll have a pretty good idea of the direction I'll be heading in. Exciting times in the hobby for sure!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blood Angels Commission Completed. Tactical Squad and Razorback

Finished a quick Tactical Squad and Razorback commission.  Also have Captain Karlean finished, just need to take some pictures of him! The new Blood Angels Tactical Squad set is a really nice kit; tons of detail! I just did a quick re-paint of the Razorback without stripping the old paint, which isn't ideal but I think it turned out pretty well in the end!  Just realized I forgot to do the headlights though, but it's a good thing the client is a friend of mine and so I'll be able to get it back for the finishing touch.

I'm working on a Squat warband for an INQ28 style game right now, which is a lot of fun.  I really enjoy painting the models of my youth.  After that, it's an Imperial Knight Extravaganza! I have 4 Knights to paint, and they'll be my first ones, so my excitement can barely be contained.  As always, more pictures after the jump!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Finished Commission - New batch of the Sons of Russ!

Latest commission completed: more Sons of Russ! I'm having a blast painting all these Space Wolves, which is good because there are more coming down the chute! This is one of the things that really attracted me to commission painting in the first place: I wouldn't build and paint a Space Wolves army myself, but this has given me the opportunity to paint what is quickly becoming a sizable force.  The top dog (pun intended) in this batch was Logan Grimnar on Stormrider.  This model gets a ton of grief online, but I really enjoyed painting it! I mounted it on a Runic Mountain base by Secret Weapon Miniatures, as I wanted him to stand out a bit more than he already did.  It was a challenge to shave and mount all three elements of Stormrider so that they worked together, but I think it paid off in the end.  Without further ado, the pictures:

Full gallery after the jump

Caestus Assault Ram Rahabilitation Project - Finished

This was a LOT of fun to do.  The Caestus Assault Ram is probably my favorite vehicle in 40k.  Despite the boot jokes, it's great fun to paint.  My friend (and client) had previously commissioned someone else to paint the Caestus, and wasn't crazy about how it turned out, unfortunately.  He asked me if I could rehabilitate it for him.  I jumped at the chance!  We wanted the nacelles to match the troops it would be carrying most often: Blood Claws.  Step-by-Step pictures after the jump...

Friday, May 8, 2015

It's a great day at LMP!!

My Scalecolor order arrived from Spain! I am so excited to experiment with these paints, particularly the NMM sets and the Metal N' Alchemy series. They're made by Scale75 (of Abyssal Warlord fame), and are very well regarded. I won't be using them for everything I paint, but will certainly be having some fun with them soon. 

I ordered the Metal N' Alchemy gold set as well, but one of the bottles broke open during shipping. These things happen, and I have no doubt Scale75 will have a new one along promptly. 

Poor paint pot. I'm especially excited to try my hand at some NMM with some Dark Age minis and some Rackham: Confrontation. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Workbench Wednesday 4/29/15

Greetings!! Just realized it's been a week and a half since I have posted! I've been working on some more Space Wolves in the meantime. I've finished a Caestus Assault Ram, Diemos Predator and Sicarian. The Caestus was particularly rewarding as it was a rehabilitation project and I think it turned out really well!  I'm finishing up Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (tonight, in fact), before finishing the Wolves with some Long Fangs and a Rune Priest. 

Logan on the Bench:

My commission que is growing!!! I want to take a minute to thank my clients for their faith in me and their support. It's been a fantastic start for this fledgling enterprise! In the que are a Squat Warband for an INQ28 style game, some Blood Angels, a large Necron army, a Bushido faction, some Skitaari, and a couple of the new Knights that will be released this week!!! I'm really excited for these projects, and again am so thankful for the opportunity!

I will endeavor to update more regularly with WIPs as well as some other projects that I have in the wings for me personally. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Salamanders Firedrakes Terminators - painted for eBay

In an effort to do some advertising of sorts, I picked up some Salamanders Firedrakes Terminators and painted them up for an eBay auction.  When they were released I knew I wanted to paint them up but as I wouldn't be playing Salamanders I had little impetus to purchase them and paint them.  Since I've shifted to doing commissions, I can justify painting almost anything!

I had a great time painting them, though there were some challenges.  The green mid-tone went on very glossy for some reason, and was only toned down with the use of Tamiya matte sealer (amazing stuff).  I also had some trouble getting good pictures of them, as I prefer the black background to the white.  The black background was just too dark; and while I'm not 100% happy with the white, they look pretty good.

Products used:
Paints: Badger Minitaire, Vallejo Model Air, GW, P3, Game Color, Secret Weapon Miniatures Washes
Airbrush/Brushes: Badger Patriot, Badger Sotar 20/20, GW Brushes
Bases: Secret Weapon Miniatures
Pigments: Secret Weapon Miniatures

Workbench Update! 4/20/15

After a very busy week with family I am happily back to work on some Space Wolves!!! These are more tanks and infantry for the same client, and I'm happy to be working on such awesome models. A Caestus, a Sicarian, a Diemos Predator, Logan Grimnar, an awesomely kitbashed Rune Priest, and 10 more Long Fangs. On the bench right now are the Caestus, the Sicarian and the Diemos Pred.

The Caestus is a reclamation project (which I will document in its own post when it's finished), and is turning out beautifully. I can't express how happy I am with the Blood Claw nacelle motif. I wanted the nacelles to match the shoulder pads of the troops that will be embarked on it. I find touches like these really help tie vehicles in with the infantry when you look accross an entire force. A lot of work ahead of me, but I'm loving it!!

One of my favorite parts of the painting process is taking off the masking tape/fluid/Saran wrap and seeing the composition as a whole or the weathering effect, etc. for example:

All ready to go!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Finished Comission - Blood Angels Land Raider

Had a lot of fun painting this model.  It's nice to paint such an iconic tank in such a vibrant color scheme.  The client wanted it to be close to the Codex Astartes color scheme, though I wanted to break up the red so I painted the gun housings a bright yellow.  I think it turned out really well! Really pleased with how rich Badger Minitaire's Angelic Blood is.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Workbench Wednesday 4/8/15

Another week, another update!!! After finishing up the Space Wolves I've been working on a Blood Angels Land Raider. I was a little nervous about getting the red right, as I haven't used the Badger Minitaire red paints too often. Have to say I'm really really happy with how it's turning out! Just detailing, oil wash and weathering to go. Current status of the workbench:

To the left of the Land Raider is my next project: 5 Salamander Firedrakes from Forgeworld; destined for CMON/eBay. After that it's on to more Space Wolves!!! 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Finished Space Wolves Commission

Really enjoyed this project! I've never actually painted Space Wolves before, so it was a great opportunity to paint the puppies! This project presented a particular challenge in that the client already had a sizable army that had been painted by another studio and as such I had to match the color scheme as closely as possible.  I enjoy a challenge though, so I was happy to do it!

It was also a great opportunity to use Secret Weapon Miniatures' Instant Scenery Kit: Winter.  I haven't played around with snow basing very much, but Secret Weapon has a great snow basing tutorial on their website here, I highly recommend checking it out if you're going to do snow bases.

The Long Fangs are painted to a High Tabletop Standard while the Fenrisian Wolves are painted to a Tabletop Standard.  Without further ado...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Edge - Kickstarter Backed!

I backed The Edge kickstarter from Awaken Realms yesterday, and am hoping to bump my pledge up to the Ultimate pledge level so I can get my hands on ALL THE THINGS!  I really love the steampunk gothic feel of the miniatures and the painting challenge they will pose.  Part of this is also  a search for inspiration in my painting in general.  I feel like I'm painting in a very crisp GW style but want to branch out and push myself more with different projects.  For commissions, obviously I will deliver what the client is looking for as far as aesthetic goes; but in my personal painting I really want to start pushing the envelope.

To do this, I feel like it would be good for me to branch out into different game systems and different models so I don't have a pre-determined idea as to what the color scheme should look like and how they should feel.  I am looking forward to painting some Dark Age (particularly Kukulani) as well as some Infinity and Arena Rex when they become available.  I also want to branch out into some historicals, so I may start with some Bolt Action.  Looking forward to these and other projects in the near future!

Monday, March 30, 2015

My Personal Horus Heresy Death Guard Army - 10,000 points (TONS of photos)

I'm doing this post to show off my Horus Heresy Death Guard Legion army that I collected and painted over the past year or so.  I love the Death Guard fluff pre-heresy and jumped at the chance to realize my vision of a true foot-slogging, grinding, attritional but elite infantry detachment that had been in theatre for a while; with all their accompanying mud and dirt and grime that comes with sustained combat operations.

From a professional standpoint, this post will serve to illustrate the extent to which weathering techniques can be used and how I am able to execute a cohesive theme across such a large force.  I'm in the process of selling the army to contribute to the family's savings and also re-invest in my commission business (lamp, paints, etc.).  While I'm sad to see it go, my wife has given me carte blanche to rebuild this army and others in the future (that alone is worth the sale!).

Other than re-building this army, I have plans for a Word Bearers heavy assault themed force, A Dark Mechanicum army with accompanying Knights and Titans, as well as expanding my Solar Auxilia to include the yet-to-be-released Imperial Militia army list (Book 5), Knights, and Titans.  I'll also probably do a loyalist legion down the road, maybe Space Wolves or Raven Guard or something.  I just love the Horus Heresy and am looking forward to modeling themed forces for the foreseeable future.

All bases by Dragon Forge Designs.

Enjoy the pictures!

Finished Commission - Blood Angels Death Company

Finished commission for my friend Matt. D.  I wanted to keep the paint scheme very traditional as they're such striking models.  They are painted to a High Tabletop Standard.

I didn't want to get carried away with the details, as the models can end up looking very busy if too much stands out.  I went for a lighter shade of blue for the Librarian as I felt it would make him 'pop' even more on the table, especially when he's accompanying the Death Company.  It was either go lighter or go very dark blue and I felt like the mini would be lost in the Death Company if he was in the darker scheme.

I'm looking forward to working more with Matt on his Blood Angels.  This is one of the things I'm loving about doing commissions: I would never build a Blood Angels Army. They don't hold a lot of interest for me from a collecting standpoint.  I really enjoyed painting the Death Company and am excited to paint more Blood Angels in the near future! They are such an iconic Chapter in lore, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to paint them and take pretty pictures to remember them by.  Thanks again, Matt!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Workbench Wednesday - 3/25/15

Good evening! Well, Workbench Wednesday isn't always pretty! I'm finishing up 20 Death Company and a Libriarian before starting on some Space Wolves. Hopefully the Death Company will be finished tonight and I can take some photos. 

I'm also taking photos of my Death Guard army so I can re-list them on eBay. It's going to be tough to see them go, as they are my personal army that I've been working on for over a year. It'll provide a little cushion for my family and some re-investment in LMP. At the top of my list is a paint/hobby rack for my desk from Back to Base-IX and a proper lamp for the desk. Really want to get my hands on the ScaleColor range from Scale75 as well. 

Hopefully some photos will be posted tomorrow! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Workbench Wednesday

As part of this blog, and making sure I regularly update it with content, I am going to be doing a feature every Wednesday called Workbench Wednesday.  I will update with projects I'm working on, both personally and professionally, as well as what is waiting in the wings.

I have a Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section that I'm working on for my own army.  Detailed little buggers! Beautiful models, but taking a while to paint as they are so detailed.  I keep reminding myself that they're only 5 point models, but they're too cool to do them a disservice by rushing them.

Tonight is photography and posting night!!!! The first round of pictures I took were on a backdrop that was covered in lint!! Argh!  I managed to de-lint the backdrop, and the pictures turned out better than I could have hoped for.

I'm working on a Blood Angels project for a friend right now.  I have 10 Blood Angels Death Company with Jump Packs finished. 10 Death Company on foot are next, followed by a librarian with a jump pack to accompany the Death Company jumpers.

Also in the works are a small Space Wolves project and a larger Imperial Fists project to go with Polux for a 'Pride of the Legion' army auction.

Well, back to work for me!

Alexis Polux - Display Quality - Studio Pictures

Alexis Polux is finished! What a wonderful miniature to paint.  I have plans to build a small force around Polux before offering the lot up for sale.  More to follow soon!

Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux

Friday, March 6, 2015

Alexis Polux WIP

I've really been enjoying painting Polux. I wanted to keep the paint job as clean as I could, very crisp. The cell phone pictures really wash out the shadows and make a more vibrant yellow than it really is. I'm looking forward to finishing him and getting him in the lightbox so I can take some proper photos. The mini himself is done and I'm working on the base now. Should be done today! 
Face still needed a little work:
Face touched up and shield done:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Inaugural Mini - Alexis Polux, 405th Captain of the Imperial Fists Legion

The first miniature I will be painting purely for sale will be Alexis Polux from Forgeworld's Horus Heresy Character Series.  So far he's been cleaned and washed and is headed for the painting table.

And so it begins. Welcome!

Welcome to Legalized Mischief Productions!! Legalized Mischief Productions (LMP) is a commission painting service I am starting (today, in fact!). After years of painting and collecting my own armies, I'm looking forward to new opportunities and challenges painting for others!!! Most of my experience is with Games Workshop miniatures, as well as Privateer Press, Hawk Wargames and others. I can paint whatever you'd like, and will work closely with you to make your ideas a reality! I am based in California, but am happy to work with international clients. If you have any questions or if you'd like to talk about a commission, please email me at legalizedmischiefproductions@gmail.com. 

This blog will be used to showcase my work going forward. Finished commissions will be posted here, of course. There will be WIP posts as well, as I want prospective clients to be able to see the magic happen! 

You can also find me on FacebookDakkaDakka, and CoolMiniOrNot!!!

Thank you for reading, and I hope to speak with you soon!!