Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Edge - Kickstarter Backed!

I backed The Edge kickstarter from Awaken Realms yesterday, and am hoping to bump my pledge up to the Ultimate pledge level so I can get my hands on ALL THE THINGS!  I really love the steampunk gothic feel of the miniatures and the painting challenge they will pose.  Part of this is also  a search for inspiration in my painting in general.  I feel like I'm painting in a very crisp GW style but want to branch out and push myself more with different projects.  For commissions, obviously I will deliver what the client is looking for as far as aesthetic goes; but in my personal painting I really want to start pushing the envelope.

To do this, I feel like it would be good for me to branch out into different game systems and different models so I don't have a pre-determined idea as to what the color scheme should look like and how they should feel.  I am looking forward to painting some Dark Age (particularly Kukulani) as well as some Infinity and Arena Rex when they become available.  I also want to branch out into some historicals, so I may start with some Bolt Action.  Looking forward to these and other projects in the near future!

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