Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Workbench Wednesday 4/8/15

Another week, another update!!! After finishing up the Space Wolves I've been working on a Blood Angels Land Raider. I was a little nervous about getting the red right, as I haven't used the Badger Minitaire red paints too often. Have to say I'm really really happy with how it's turning out! Just detailing, oil wash and weathering to go. Current status of the workbench:

To the left of the Land Raider is my next project: 5 Salamander Firedrakes from Forgeworld; destined for CMON/eBay. After that it's on to more Space Wolves!!! 

For the Space Wolves, one of the vehicles I'll be working on is a Caestus Assault Ram (quite possibly my favorite GW model!). The client had it commissioned previously, but it didn't turn out how he had hoped (to put it charitably). He asked me if I could rehab it, which I was happy to do. It's taking a bath right now:

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