Monday, March 30, 2015

My Personal Horus Heresy Death Guard Army - 10,000 points (TONS of photos)

I'm doing this post to show off my Horus Heresy Death Guard Legion army that I collected and painted over the past year or so.  I love the Death Guard fluff pre-heresy and jumped at the chance to realize my vision of a true foot-slogging, grinding, attritional but elite infantry detachment that had been in theatre for a while; with all their accompanying mud and dirt and grime that comes with sustained combat operations.

From a professional standpoint, this post will serve to illustrate the extent to which weathering techniques can be used and how I am able to execute a cohesive theme across such a large force.  I'm in the process of selling the army to contribute to the family's savings and also re-invest in my commission business (lamp, paints, etc.).  While I'm sad to see it go, my wife has given me carte blanche to rebuild this army and others in the future (that alone is worth the sale!).

Other than re-building this army, I have plans for a Word Bearers heavy assault themed force, A Dark Mechanicum army with accompanying Knights and Titans, as well as expanding my Solar Auxilia to include the yet-to-be-released Imperial Militia army list (Book 5), Knights, and Titans.  I'll also probably do a loyalist legion down the road, maybe Space Wolves or Raven Guard or something.  I just love the Horus Heresy and am looking forward to modeling themed forces for the foreseeable future.

All bases by Dragon Forge Designs.

Enjoy the pictures!

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