Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Workbench Wednesday

As part of this blog, and making sure I regularly update it with content, I am going to be doing a feature every Wednesday called Workbench Wednesday.  I will update with projects I'm working on, both personally and professionally, as well as what is waiting in the wings.

I have a Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section that I'm working on for my own army.  Detailed little buggers! Beautiful models, but taking a while to paint as they are so detailed.  I keep reminding myself that they're only 5 point models, but they're too cool to do them a disservice by rushing them.

Tonight is photography and posting night!!!! The first round of pictures I took were on a backdrop that was covered in lint!! Argh!  I managed to de-lint the backdrop, and the pictures turned out better than I could have hoped for.

I'm working on a Blood Angels project for a friend right now.  I have 10 Blood Angels Death Company with Jump Packs finished. 10 Death Company on foot are next, followed by a librarian with a jump pack to accompany the Death Company jumpers.

Also in the works are a small Space Wolves project and a larger Imperial Fists project to go with Polux for a 'Pride of the Legion' army auction.

Well, back to work for me!

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