Friday, October 30, 2015

Workbench update!! In-progress pile is a little much....

A quick WIP of the desk today. While finishing two more Space Wolf Dreadnaughts I got inspired to try to get as much of the basecoating done for the rest of the Space Wolf commission as well as a fun little project for a friend of mine.

Almost finished: 
- Space Wolf Ironclad Dreadnaught and Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnaught. 
- Ujahu, from Enigma Miniatures, for my Daemonic Menagerie 

- 5 Skitarii Ruststalkers and 5 Skitarii Infiltrators (my army, Skitarii Ludi)
- Diabolist for my 30k Word Bearers Legion
- 5 Axes of Carn Maen from Mierce Miniatures, also for my Daemonic Menagerie
- White Scar Land Speeder Storm (gift for a friend)
- 4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
- 6 Space Wolf Bikes
- Space Wolf Attack Bike

The good news is I'm excited about each one of these projects!! Hopefully I'll finish up the airbrushing tomorrow and make some good progress.

I'm waiting for a Word Bearers transfer sheet from Forgeworld so when that arrives I'll finish the Dibolist and Ujahu. I also have a few more creepy minis on the way to join the Menagerie. 

After finally getting some paint on my Skitarii, I'm eager to get going with painting the rest!!! I'm going to try to keep it simple, as I don't want to get bogged down on my own gaming army, but the models are awesome and I love how my color scheme is coming along so far! 

Also in the wings, but not pictured, is a small 5 miniature project that I'm really excited to start. I'll have to squeeze it in between everything else, but it'll be worth it as it's an amazing project for a great client.

Just have to keep painting!!!

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