Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Space Wolf Armor rolls off the assembly line!

At last, some photos of finished work! Woo!!! Just finished up 3 tanks for my client/friend and managed to get photos this time.  Grateful that I enjoy painting Space Wolves as much as I do and grateful that I'm getting so much practice with my airbrush!  It's a good thing I like painting the Sons of Russ as much as I do, because he keeps buying stuff! A pitfall of the hobby, to be sure.  This batch was 3 tanks - a Rhino/Razorback, a Predator and a Land Raider Crusader; all magnetized/module for maximum flexibility.  I think they turned out really really well and I'm looking forward to finishing the next batch of Wolves.  On the table right now are 10 Skyclaws that just need basing.  After that it's a couple dreadnaughts, some bikes and (of course) some Thunderwolf Cav.

As always, more photos after the jump!

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