Monday, May 11, 2015

Finished Commission - New batch of the Sons of Russ!

Latest commission completed: more Sons of Russ! I'm having a blast painting all these Space Wolves, which is good because there are more coming down the chute! This is one of the things that really attracted me to commission painting in the first place: I wouldn't build and paint a Space Wolves army myself, but this has given me the opportunity to paint what is quickly becoming a sizable force.  The top dog (pun intended) in this batch was Logan Grimnar on Stormrider.  This model gets a ton of grief online, but I really enjoyed painting it! I mounted it on a Runic Mountain base by Secret Weapon Miniatures, as I wanted him to stand out a bit more than he already did.  It was a challenge to shave and mount all three elements of Stormrider so that they worked together, but I think it paid off in the end.  Without further ado, the pictures:

Full gallery after the jump

Closeup of the base:

Long Fangs:

 The Caestus:

 Diemos Predator (magnetized):


Rune Priest:

Paints: Games Workshop, P3, Badger Minitaire, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Vallejo Game Air, Vallejo Model Color, Game Color
Brushes: GW, Badger Patriot
Bases: Secret Weapon Miniatures Runic Mountain flight base

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