Friday, June 26, 2015

Imperial Knight Quartet Finished. What a blast!

Recently finished a very fun project: 4 Imperial Knights! All four were built using the new Imperial Knight Warden kit, though only two of the four are magnetized. The Knight Crusader and Knight Warden (rusty wasteland bases) are static, as they are for my personal army. The Knight on the snow base and the knight on the grey sandy base are for clients and are fully magnetized. I knew I would enjoy painting these beasts, though I had no idea just how much I would love this project. It is truly one of those moments where the experience outstripped expectations. Hope you like the end result!

I really had a lot of fun developing the heraldry for each of the Knights.  Each of them hail from House Ludi, whose back story I'm still fleshing out.  The color scheme and Imperial Eagle heraldic elements will be repeated across my Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii and Cult Mechanicum for 40k, as well as my Solar Auxilia and Mechanicum for 30k.  They've been in business a long time.  It will look striking on the table when the forces are fielded alongside each other, and will tell a cohesive story across that portion of my collection.  I'm having a ton of fun with this endeavor, thank you for your support! 

Knight Crusader
Scrap Yard base from Secret Weapon Miniatures

Knight Warden
Urban Rubble Wasteland base from Dragon Forge Designs

Knight Warden (magnetized)
Slate Wasteland base from Dragon Forge Designs

Knight Warden (magnetized)

Products Used:
Brushes - Games Workshop
Airbrush - Badger Patriot
Paints: Badger Minitaire, Vallejo Surface Primer/Game Air/Model Air/Game Color, Games Workshop, P3, Secret Weapon Miniatures Washes, Scale75 Scalecolor
Bases: Dragon Forge Designs, Secret Weapon Miniatures
Weathering Powders: Secret Weapon Miniatures

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