Monday, March 30, 2015

My Personal Horus Heresy Death Guard Army - 10,000 points (TONS of photos)

I'm doing this post to show off my Horus Heresy Death Guard Legion army that I collected and painted over the past year or so.  I love the Death Guard fluff pre-heresy and jumped at the chance to realize my vision of a true foot-slogging, grinding, attritional but elite infantry detachment that had been in theatre for a while; with all their accompanying mud and dirt and grime that comes with sustained combat operations.

From a professional standpoint, this post will serve to illustrate the extent to which weathering techniques can be used and how I am able to execute a cohesive theme across such a large force.  I'm in the process of selling the army to contribute to the family's savings and also re-invest in my commission business (lamp, paints, etc.).  While I'm sad to see it go, my wife has given me carte blanche to rebuild this army and others in the future (that alone is worth the sale!).

Other than re-building this army, I have plans for a Word Bearers heavy assault themed force, A Dark Mechanicum army with accompanying Knights and Titans, as well as expanding my Solar Auxilia to include the yet-to-be-released Imperial Militia army list (Book 5), Knights, and Titans.  I'll also probably do a loyalist legion down the road, maybe Space Wolves or Raven Guard or something.  I just love the Horus Heresy and am looking forward to modeling themed forces for the foreseeable future.

All bases by Dragon Forge Designs.

Enjoy the pictures!

Finished Commission - Blood Angels Death Company

Finished commission for my friend Matt. D.  I wanted to keep the paint scheme very traditional as they're such striking models.  They are painted to a High Tabletop Standard.

I didn't want to get carried away with the details, as the models can end up looking very busy if too much stands out.  I went for a lighter shade of blue for the Librarian as I felt it would make him 'pop' even more on the table, especially when he's accompanying the Death Company.  It was either go lighter or go very dark blue and I felt like the mini would be lost in the Death Company if he was in the darker scheme.

I'm looking forward to working more with Matt on his Blood Angels.  This is one of the things I'm loving about doing commissions: I would never build a Blood Angels Army. They don't hold a lot of interest for me from a collecting standpoint.  I really enjoyed painting the Death Company and am excited to paint more Blood Angels in the near future! They are such an iconic Chapter in lore, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to paint them and take pretty pictures to remember them by.  Thanks again, Matt!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Workbench Wednesday - 3/25/15

Good evening! Well, Workbench Wednesday isn't always pretty! I'm finishing up 20 Death Company and a Libriarian before starting on some Space Wolves. Hopefully the Death Company will be finished tonight and I can take some photos. 

I'm also taking photos of my Death Guard army so I can re-list them on eBay. It's going to be tough to see them go, as they are my personal army that I've been working on for over a year. It'll provide a little cushion for my family and some re-investment in LMP. At the top of my list is a paint/hobby rack for my desk from Back to Base-IX and a proper lamp for the desk. Really want to get my hands on the ScaleColor range from Scale75 as well. 

Hopefully some photos will be posted tomorrow! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Workbench Wednesday

As part of this blog, and making sure I regularly update it with content, I am going to be doing a feature every Wednesday called Workbench Wednesday.  I will update with projects I'm working on, both personally and professionally, as well as what is waiting in the wings.

I have a Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section that I'm working on for my own army.  Detailed little buggers! Beautiful models, but taking a while to paint as they are so detailed.  I keep reminding myself that they're only 5 point models, but they're too cool to do them a disservice by rushing them.

Tonight is photography and posting night!!!! The first round of pictures I took were on a backdrop that was covered in lint!! Argh!  I managed to de-lint the backdrop, and the pictures turned out better than I could have hoped for.

I'm working on a Blood Angels project for a friend right now.  I have 10 Blood Angels Death Company with Jump Packs finished. 10 Death Company on foot are next, followed by a librarian with a jump pack to accompany the Death Company jumpers.

Also in the works are a small Space Wolves project and a larger Imperial Fists project to go with Polux for a 'Pride of the Legion' army auction.

Well, back to work for me!

Alexis Polux - Display Quality - Studio Pictures

Alexis Polux is finished! What a wonderful miniature to paint.  I have plans to build a small force around Polux before offering the lot up for sale.  More to follow soon!

Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux Horus Heresy, Imperial Fists, Lmp, Polux

Friday, March 6, 2015

Alexis Polux WIP

I've really been enjoying painting Polux. I wanted to keep the paint job as clean as I could, very crisp. The cell phone pictures really wash out the shadows and make a more vibrant yellow than it really is. I'm looking forward to finishing him and getting him in the lightbox so I can take some proper photos. The mini himself is done and I'm working on the base now. Should be done today! 
Face still needed a little work:
Face touched up and shield done:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Inaugural Mini - Alexis Polux, 405th Captain of the Imperial Fists Legion

The first miniature I will be painting purely for sale will be Alexis Polux from Forgeworld's Horus Heresy Character Series.  So far he's been cleaned and washed and is headed for the painting table.

And so it begins. Welcome!

Welcome to Legalized Mischief Productions!! Legalized Mischief Productions (LMP) is a commission painting service I am starting (today, in fact!). After years of painting and collecting my own armies, I'm looking forward to new opportunities and challenges painting for others!!! Most of my experience is with Games Workshop miniatures, as well as Privateer Press, Hawk Wargames and others. I can paint whatever you'd like, and will work closely with you to make your ideas a reality! I am based in California, but am happy to work with international clients. If you have any questions or if you'd like to talk about a commission, please email me at 

This blog will be used to showcase my work going forward. Finished commissions will be posted here, of course. There will be WIP posts as well, as I want prospective clients to be able to see the magic happen! 

You can also find me on FacebookDakkaDakka, and CoolMiniOrNot!!!

Thank you for reading, and I hope to speak with you soon!!