Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Workbench Wednesday - 5/27/15

After a nice holiday weekend with my family, I gained some momentum with the Squat warband today. Finished up the 9 I was working on and painted the exo armor Squat as well. Only the Bounty Hunter and their bases to go! 

Over the weekend I also assembled a Dreamforge Leviathan Mortis, which was a fun departure from GW minis for a bit. A lot of parts had to be left off for painting, and a LOT of converting will have to be done, but I hope to soon have a suitable Knight Gallant as the opening salvo of my Dark Mechanicum army for 30k. For 40k, plans are in the works for an Adeptus Mechanicus army comprising of both Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus. This project will take some time, but I'm keen to have a playable 40k army again. My commission que is growing (which is awesome), but I have to remember to take some time for my own hobby so as not to deny myself completely! 

Next up in the que are a host of Knight Wardens. 2 for clients and 2 for me. I'll be painting them two at a time, as their paint schemes are nearly identical. House Ludi is rising!  I'm working on some fluff that incorporates my Solar Auxilia, Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, Knights, Titans, and the new Imperial Militia from Book 5: Tempest. When it's fleshed out a bit more I'll be sure to share it. 

To oppose the loyalists, I'm planning a force of Word Bearers and Dark Mechanicum, accompanied by Daemons, Warp Cults from Book 5: Tempest, heavily daemonically converted Nurgle Chaos Space Marines, Knights, and Titans. Haven't worked out the fluff quite yet, but after reading Book 5 I'm sure I'll have a pretty good idea of the direction I'll be heading in. Exciting times in the hobby for sure!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blood Angels Commission Completed. Tactical Squad and Razorback

Finished a quick Tactical Squad and Razorback commission.  Also have Captain Karlean finished, just need to take some pictures of him! The new Blood Angels Tactical Squad set is a really nice kit; tons of detail! I just did a quick re-paint of the Razorback without stripping the old paint, which isn't ideal but I think it turned out pretty well in the end!  Just realized I forgot to do the headlights though, but it's a good thing the client is a friend of mine and so I'll be able to get it back for the finishing touch.

I'm working on a Squat warband for an INQ28 style game right now, which is a lot of fun.  I really enjoy painting the models of my youth.  After that, it's an Imperial Knight Extravaganza! I have 4 Knights to paint, and they'll be my first ones, so my excitement can barely be contained.  As always, more pictures after the jump!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Finished Commission - New batch of the Sons of Russ!

Latest commission completed: more Sons of Russ! I'm having a blast painting all these Space Wolves, which is good because there are more coming down the chute! This is one of the things that really attracted me to commission painting in the first place: I wouldn't build and paint a Space Wolves army myself, but this has given me the opportunity to paint what is quickly becoming a sizable force.  The top dog (pun intended) in this batch was Logan Grimnar on Stormrider.  This model gets a ton of grief online, but I really enjoyed painting it! I mounted it on a Runic Mountain base by Secret Weapon Miniatures, as I wanted him to stand out a bit more than he already did.  It was a challenge to shave and mount all three elements of Stormrider so that they worked together, but I think it paid off in the end.  Without further ado, the pictures:

Full gallery after the jump

Caestus Assault Ram Rahabilitation Project - Finished

This was a LOT of fun to do.  The Caestus Assault Ram is probably my favorite vehicle in 40k.  Despite the boot jokes, it's great fun to paint.  My friend (and client) had previously commissioned someone else to paint the Caestus, and wasn't crazy about how it turned out, unfortunately.  He asked me if I could rehabilitate it for him.  I jumped at the chance!  We wanted the nacelles to match the troops it would be carrying most often: Blood Claws.  Step-by-Step pictures after the jump...

Friday, May 8, 2015

It's a great day at LMP!!

My Scalecolor order arrived from Spain! I am so excited to experiment with these paints, particularly the NMM sets and the Metal N' Alchemy series. They're made by Scale75 (of Abyssal Warlord fame), and are very well regarded. I won't be using them for everything I paint, but will certainly be having some fun with them soon. 

I ordered the Metal N' Alchemy gold set as well, but one of the bottles broke open during shipping. These things happen, and I have no doubt Scale75 will have a new one along promptly. 

Poor paint pot. I'm especially excited to try my hand at some NMM with some Dark Age minis and some Rackham: Confrontation.