Monday, September 28, 2015

Ok so it's been a while.....

Two months! Yikes.  I have been delinquent.  I apologize.  I got mired in a Bushido commission that took much longer than I had anticipated.  Also some drop pods done to a basic standard, which didn't really warrant a photograph!  I have been busy, however.

I assembled and primed my entire Dark Age collection (90+ models) and sculpted their bases.  I haven't done much work with sculpting bases in the past, so it was a fantastic learning experience.  Looking forward to getting some paint on them soon.

I also cleaned up and prepped all the resin bases I'll be using for my 40k AdMech/Skitarii.  Phenomenal bases from Jeff at Dragon Forge Designs, as always.  Can't wait to get going on that project as well! Maybe after some of the Space Wolves I'm working on are done.

I also did a couple one-off projects that have a special purpose (more on that in a later post).  I did a custom scenic base on a plinth following the Painting Buddha DVD and learned a lot for next time.  Matt Cexwish said it looked cool, so that's all I really need.  Then I painted up S'erum from Rackham's Confrontation line, which was a ton of fun.  I got to play around with Scale75's new Metal N' Alchemy - Copper set and almost fell out of my chair from the results I got in a short time.  Just incredible.  Plenty of pictures to follow.  I also made a couple mini dioramas using Dropzone Commander models on Secret Weapon Miniatures flying bases, which turned out really well.  I will take plenty of pictures of these ASAP, as they were a lot of fun and turned out really well.

Other than that, I'm working on some more Space Wolves at the moment, including a Land Raider Crusader, a Predator, a Rhino, bikes, an attack bike, an Ironclad Dreadnaught, Thunderwolf Lord, and some jump troops.  Glad to be back at it with the Wolves.  Will get some pictures up soon!